We assume you plan to install a chain-link fence in your yard, but aren't sure how far apart to space the posts. Indeed, you have come to the right place! We have asked some experts to learn the best distance between chain-link posts.
The most common chain-link fence post spacing is between four feet to 10 feet apart. And you can consider using six feet to eight feet post spacing if you want to incorporate privacy slats or materials that would increase wind load.
If we are correct that you plan to install a chain-link fence in your yard, it would be best if you keep reading. We have so much information to share with you that might help you in the installation process.

Chain Link Fence Posts Spacing
You can place the holes farther apart because chain-link fence posts are more durable and diminutive than any other type. We suggest you follow the standard manufacturer's suggestion to have a post spacing that runs from four feet to 10 feet. And you should strictly not exceed over 10 feet.
Importance Of Having The Right Post Spacing
After deciding on the proper materials for fencing your home, the most crucial step is determining the ideal fence spacing. Post spacing will provide you with the structure for installing fences around the perimeter of your property.
Increasing security is the main advantage of closer spacing. You can improve the amount of support your fence provides by adding more line posts.
In addition, the distance between the fence posts is significant since it directly impacts the fence’s stability and strength. Doing such can also reduce the possibilities of future maintenance because the chain-link fence has more points of contact to protect itself from external forces.
And it would be best if you give your posts proper spacing for the fence to remain stable and sturdy while installing it at a low cost.
On the other hand, wider spacing can be the best solution if you only want temporary fencing. The reason is that it can lower the material and labor costs.
Factors Affecting Fence Posts Distance
Several factors influence the distance between fence posts, including:
The Weight Of The Fencing Material
You can determine the distance of every fence post from each other by the weight of the fencing material you are utilizing. If you use heavy material, you should maintain the space between the posts to a minimum. However, if you use a lighter fencing material, you can keep the spacing a little wider.
The Topography Of The Land
The terrain on which you will be placing the fencing impacts the distance between fence posts.
The Fence's Purpose
The chain-link fence spacing will also depend on the usage. If you plan to install one for your pets or other animals, you should make the posts have a closer spacing to provide a more robust and durable structure. Doing so will restrict the force of the animals leaning against the chain-link fence.
Soil Composition
Another factor you should consider for the fence posts spacing is the type of soil available or the ground conditions. If the location where you want to install your fence has black cotton soil, it would be best to set them at a deeper depth and closer to each other. Doing so will prevent fence movement.
Because low-bearing capacity soils necessitate longer fence posts, you must set them at a deeper depth.
The Stability And Strength Of The Fence Posts
If you choose to utilize high-strength and quality fence posts such as steel or concrete, then it is okay if you want to increase the spacing between the posts. Fence posts with a high-strength factor can allow you to exceed the 10-foot maximum to 12 feet instead.
How Do You Set Chain Link Fence Posts?
Since we are already talking about the proper distancing between fence posts, we might consider the process of installing them, as well.
Step 1:
The geographical location, fencing materials, and fence height are factors that affect the size of the post hole. Generally, you will need to excavate holes six inches in diameter by 30 inches deep for residential chain-link fences.
How Deep Should Chain Link Fence Posts Be?
Another rule of thumb is to excavate the holes three times the diameter of the fence post. For example, you will need a six-inch diameter hole in a two-inch diameter post. And you will have to put one-third of the fence’s height above ground.
On the other hand, the holes of gate posts are usually larger in diameter and deeper to resist the force of a moving gate.
Step 2:
Check the holes for accuracy and if they are all of the same size and depth. If you notice inaccurate posts, move or fix them now. If the holes are shallow, we suggest you bell the hole at the bottom because you hit an object.
To do the belling process, utilize your post-hole digger to make the bottom hole more extensive than the top, like the shape of a bell. Doing so will help the bottom of your fence posts to have better support.
Step 3:
For the third step, you will need to mix concrete with water. However, you must go easy on the water. The mixture should appear like thick gray mud. You will notice that the mixture is too thin if it doesn’t pile up on the shovel. It would be best to add more cement mix to dry it up.
Step 4:
You should mark the corner, end, and gate posts at the height of the fence plus an inch—for instance, 49 inches for a four-foot fence, 61 inches for a five-foot fence, etc.
Then mark the line or intermediate posts at the height of the fence minus three inches—for example, 45 inches for a four-foot fence, 57 inches for a five-foot fence, etc.
Step 5:
Pour the mixture you made earlier into the holes. We suggest not to pour too much and risk having the concrete cure before even sticking the fence posts. Moreover, it would be best not to pour concrete up to the top and leave the concrete down three to four inches.
Step 6:
You can install most chain-link posts by filling the holes with cement and sticking the post afterward. You have to simply put the post in the center of the hole with the cement mix. It is an efficient way of setting fence posts. It also ensures that the concrete surrounds the fence post.
Step 7:
Once you finish setting the fence posts, you will need to backfill them with dirt and step on them to hold the posts to height. You should do this step for all fence posts.
Step 8:
Sight all the fence posts. You should stand at the end of the length of your fence and look across the tops of the posts. To accommodate for gradual slopes and grade changes, adjust the height of the fence posts if necessary. The idea is to avoid sudden changes and seamless transitions between posts.
This step is easier to do if you have someone with you to do the job. You can see the posts while the other adjusts and checks the plumb. Once you finish correcting each post, make sure it is plumb, and keep an eye on the grade mark.
Step 9:
For this step, you will need to install the gate posts. And it would be best to follow the manufacturer or gate supplier’s instructions regarding the gate opening size. The opening size we are talking about is the inside-to-inside distance between the two gate posts.
Place a post across the tops of the gate posts and check with a level if feasible to make the tops of the posts level. Set the gate posts to grade if the terrain slopes sharply beneath the gate. Making them level won't look right.
Step 10:
Allow the concrete to dry for 24 hours before continuing the work.
Wrap It All Up
Installing your chain-link fence posts with accurate spacing will benefit you to have better fence support. It will also make your fencing durable and it will lengthen its longevity.
We hope you find this post helpful. And if you want to read further, you can read these articles below:
Do Wrought Iron Fences Rust? [And How To Prevent That]